Sunday, August 14, 2011

Week 6 Blog prompt

"The news media should be blamed for the unhealthy paparazzi culture and going to the extremes for sensational news. How far do you agree?"

Well, this topic seemed familiar to me so I guess its the common test question. Alright, let's begin.

I agree to a large extent that the news media should be blamed for the unhealthy paparazzi culture and going to the extremes for sensational news.

Firstly, I believe that paparazzi would be mostly talking about celebrities, politicians and anyone who are famous in the world. Celebrities, politicians are people too. They have the rights to have their own privacy, they have the need to spend some time with their family, and thus not everything should be reported by those reporters. It is definitely not fair to these people as they have very limited privacy. Limited privacy would hence means that they have lesser freedom to do whatever things they want to do. I'm not saying that news media cannot take any pictures of them or video them but the news media should do all these things at the right place and the right time. Secretly taking pictures or videoing celebrities, politicians and posting them online or reporting them on tv could pose treats to the celebrities and politicians' lives.

However, I believe that the government is also at fault to a certain extent for this unhealthy paparazzi news. As celebrities, civil servants are also counted as the people of the country, thus the government should protect their rights too. Do they not have the same/equal rights as compared to regular citizens? Thus I believe, the government should take some responsibilities to protect their interests such as coming up with policies.

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